Keeping you informed of critical website issues

11:43:00 PM Add Comment

Keeping you informed of critical website issues

Webmaster level: All

Having a healthy and well-performing website is important, both to you as the webmaster and to your users. When we discover critical issues with a website, Webmaster Tools will now let you know by automatically sending an email with more information.

We’ll only notify you about issues that we think have significant impact on your site’s health or search performance and which have clear actions that you can take to address the issue. For example, we’ll email you if we detect malware on your site or see a significant increase in errors while crawling your site.

For most sites these kinds of issues will occur rarely. If your site does happen to have an issue, we cap the number of emails we send over a certain period of time to avoid flooding your inbox.  If you don’t want to receive any email from Webmaster Tools you can change your email delivery preferences.

We hope that you find this change a useful way to stay up-to-date on critical and important issues regarding your site’s health. If you have any questions, please let us know via our Webmaster Help Forum.

Google Webmaster Guidelines updated

11:40:00 PM Add Comment

Google Webmaster Guidelines updated

Category : Google | 35 views
Webmaster level: All

Today we’re happy to announce an updated version of our Webmaster Quality Guidelines. Both our basic quality guidelines and many of our more specific articles (like those on links schemes or hidden text) have been reorganized and expanded to provide you with more information about how to create quality websites for both users and Google.

The main message of our quality guidelines hasn’t changed: Focus on the user. However, we’ve added more guidance and examples of behavior that you should avoid in order to keep your site in good standing with Google’s search results. We’ve also added a set of quality and technical guidelines for rich snippets, as structured markup is becoming increasingly popular.

We hope these updated guidelines will give you a better understanding of how to create and maintain Google-friendly websites. 
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Spesifikasi GIGABYTE GeForce GTX 690

8:54:00 AM Add Comment
GPU / Core Clock          GTX 690 / 915 MHz
Remark                         Hardcore Gaming Series 
Fan / Heat Sink              Fansink 
DirectX                          11
Mem Size / Mem Clock  4096MB / 6008MHz
Mem Type / Mem Bus     GDDR5 / 512Bit

dunia yang menipu kelabu

4:16:00 AM Add Comment
Hidupku terlena di dunia.,.,.hari-hari ku tidak terlewatkan dari dosa,,aku termasuk laki-laki yang merugi di dunia ini,,,,dalam pikiranku cuman kebahagian dunia,.,.,.tak pernah ku memikirkan akirat,.,..padahal sebelumnya aku adalah orang yang taat pada agama,.,.tp setelah aku merasakan apa yang di larang di agama, mau keluar kog g bisa.sulit ku meninggalkan kehidupan bejat ini, mau curhat sama siapa juga g ada.,.,.sampai suatu saat aku pernah berfikir , apa perlu aku hijroh/pergi dari kampung kelahiranku tuk perbaiki ni semua,.,.,.heheh hijroh.,.,.sapa saja yang baca solusi tolong ya!!!

Kadang aku juga di ingatkan sih sama temen-temenku, apa yang kau cari di dunia fana ini??? aku jawab kesenangan,.,..apa pernah kau pikirkan kelak kau mati bagaimana??? aku jawab sampai-sampai aku gak pernah memikirkan itu.dia cuman jawab , Ooo yaudah kalu gitu..tapi setelah itu aku selalu berfikir, tu pertanyaan selalu menghantui aku, Ooo iya aku kan juga akan mati, trus gimana nanti kalu aku mati???aku belum siap, aku gak punya bekal buat di akirat.. saat ini aku bingung, kepengen kembali ke jalan yang benar tapi sulit, selalu ada godaannya!!


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