Download Aplikasi Moshaf (Quran) English v1.0 J2ME Gratis

5:28:00 AM Add Comment

Download Aplikasi Moshaf (Quran) English v1.0 J2ME Gratis

Lagi gak ngapa2 in ya...? Kalau menurut saya mending beribadah baca Al-quran untuk anda yang seiman dengan saya alias Muslim... ya gak...? apalagi situasi dan suasananya memungkinkan untuk baca Al - Quran, yang saya maksud disini adalah baca Al- Quran Via Ponsel kesayangan anda. anda dapat mendownload secara gratis aplikasi Al-Quran ini. dan juga ada artinya dalam bahasa inggris lho..!!! hebat bukan...? selamat mecoba, semoga amal dan ibadah kita semua diterima disisiNya Amiiinnnnn.

Ponsel yang mendukung :
All J2ME / Java


Download Aplikasi QuickOffice.Premier.Upgrade.v6.0.166.S60v3.Symbian OS9.1.Unsigned Gratis

5:26:00 AM Add Comment

Download Aplikasi QuickOffice.Premier.Upgrade.v6.0.166.S60v3.Symbian OS9.1.Unsigned Gratis

Ini dia aplikasi yang bisa sangat membantu dalam mengerjakan semua pekerjaan kantor. anda dapat mengerjakan pekerjaan kantor ( word, Excell, Power point) secara mobile. belum punya laptop ya? kayaknya aplikasi ini cocok buat anda yang mempunyai SMARTPHONE yang support dengan aplikasi ini. enjoy it.

Ponsel yang mendukung :
Symbian OS 9.1/9.2/9.3

Download Sekarang (3.3 Mb)

Download Aplikasi eBuddy 2.2.0 Update Terbaru 2012 ( Update Status FB, Lihat Status FB, Like This FB, Komentar Status FB, Chat FB Dalam Aplikasi eBuddy )

11:43:00 PM Add Comment

Kurang lengkap rasanya kalau handphone sobat tidak dilengkapi dengan aplikasi eBuddy, apakah itu ebuddy? ebuddy merupakan aplikasi yang menggabungkan beberapa situs jejaring sosial di dalam satu aplikasi, sehingga sobat tidak perlu lagi memasang banyak aplikasi, cukup online dan chatting di satu aplikasi eBuddy, keren bukan! Aplikasi Chatting yang terdapat di dalam eBuddy :
  • MSN
  • AIM
  • Yahoo Messenger
  • Google Talk (GTalk)
  • My Space
  • ICQ
  • Facebook ( update status + lihat status teman dan Chat )
  • Hyves

Di versi terbaru eBuddy sobat bisa langsung update status facebook, di versi sebelumnya update status belum tersedia, sehingga sobat semakin nyaman chat + update status via aplikasi eBuddy.
Terbaru dari eBuddy sobat bisa lihat status, like, dan beri komentar dari para teman sobat di facebook melalui kolom lifestream, setiap ada status terbaru dari teman sobat, maka akan langsung tampil di kolom lifestream eBuddy, setelah ane coba dapat ane simpulkan eBuddy termasuk aplikasi yang stabil dan jarang putus koneksi, sangat cocok bagi sobat yang suka narsis di jejaring sosial hehehe...

Untuk DOWNLOAD EBUDDY 2.2.0 FINAL UPDATE TERBARU 2012 silahkan masuk ke alamat langsung download dari ponsel sobat gratis.

Cara Verifikasi Akun Paypal Menggunakan Bank Lokal Indonesia

6:29:00 AM Add Comment

Pagi kali ini vikrymadz akan share mengenai Cara Verifikasi Akun Paypal Menggunakan Bank Lokal Indonesia. Karena mungkin banyak sobat" yang pada kebingungan untuk memverifikasi akun Paypalnya. tips ini saya dapat dari sobat blog saya H gendut, jadi disini saya hanya akan mengulasnya saja.

Nah sebelumnya mungkin cukup banyak yang merasa kesulitan untuk verifikasi karena tidak memiliki kartu kredit. Saya sendiri tidak merekomendasikan cara lain selain yang diperbolehkan oleh Paypal.
Saat ini Paypal sudah membolehkan kita untuk melakukan verifikasi menggunakan account bank lokal kita di Indonesia. Tampaknya semua bank yang ada bisa diterima dengan baik. Jadi segera saja lakukan verifikasi, bagi yang belum memiliki account Paypal, sobat bisa membuatnya terlebih dahulu.

Ok pertama siapkan dulu Data Bank Sobat
Saya sedikit agak khawatir dengan informasi yang ada di banyak sumber baik blog maupun website yang memberikan informasi yang kurang benar mengenai data bank. Saya bukannya ingin menyombongkan diri bahwa saya telah memberikan informasi yang paling benar, tapi karena saya sudah membuktikan bahwa yang saya berikan di artikel terdahulu tentang bagaimana caranya menemukan kode bank sobat adalah sudah terbukti benar. Pahami kode bank yang dimaksud dengan baik dan pastikan kode bank yang diminta oleh Paypal adalah sebanyak 7 digit angka.

lalu langkah yang kedua adalah Menambahkan Data Bank Lokal Indonesia
Silakan login ke Paypal, perhatikan link Unverified yang selalu tampil apabila account Paypal sobat belum diverifikasi. Abaikan dulu hal tersebut karena sobat harus menambahkan data bank sobat ke Paypal.
1. Klik menu Profile – Add/Edit Bank Account
2. Klik tombol Add, lalu isikan data sobat
Catatan: Pada gambar di atas ada nama yang saya tutup pakai kotak warna kuning, sebetulnya itu sudah terisi dengan nama lengkap sobat (nama depan dan belakang), jadi sobat tidak usah menuliskannya kembali.

3. Pastikan kembali sobat telah mengetahui kode bank yang terdiri dari 7 (tujuh) digit angka, dimana 3 angka awal adalah kode bank dan 4 digit berikutnya ada kode kliring bank. Informasi kode bank dapat sobat lihat di halaman blog milik Mas Eko. Lalu bagaimana 4 digit berikutnya? itu adalah kode kliring, dimana tiap-tiap bank akan berbeda. Sebagai contoh kode kliring BCA adalah tidak sama antara satu kota dan kota lainnya, lalu Bank Mandiri juga seperti itu.

4. Klik tombol Continue jika sudah yakin benar, sebuah email akan masuk ke mailbox sobat dari Paypal yang memberitahukan bahwa sebuah account bank lokal sobat telah ditambahkan.
5. Paypal akan mengirim 2 (dua) kali transfer sejumlah uang ke rekening sobat dalam jangka waktu 1-3 hari kerja. Jangan senang dulu karena jumlah uang yang dikirimkan adalah sangat kecil, yaitu hitungan 1-2 digit saja :D (dibawah 20 rupiah).

Langkah-Langkah Verifikasi Paypal Menggunakan Bank Lokal Indonesia

1. Cek histori transaksi bank sobat, jika bisa di akses via Internet Banking akan lebih nyaman ketimbang mengantri untuk mencetak transferan 1-2 digit :p
2. Login ke Paypal, lalu Klik link Unverified yang sudah saya beritahu di atas.
3. Sobat akan dihadapkan pada sebuah halaman seperti gambar berikut ini:
4. Klik menu Confirm bank Account
5. Masukkan data sejumlah berapa uang dari Paypal yang masuk rekening sobat (ingat bahwa Paypal mentransfer 2 kali sejumlah uang ke sobat
6. Selamat, sobat  telah berhasil melakukan verifikasi, mudah dan cepat bahkan dapat duit dari Paypal.
Semoga dengan adanya tulisan ini tidak ada lagi kendala buat sobatuntuk memanfaatkan Paypal sebagai alat pembayaran dan penerimaan uang via Internet. Setelah verifikasi sukses maka sobat yang terutama menerima pembayaran via paypal maka sudah bisa melakukan penarikan dana langsung ke rekening sobat di bank lokal Indonesia.

selamat mencoba ^_^
ref :

Download Aplikasi Snaptu Gratis (Facebook, Twitter dan Aplikasi Hebat Lainnya Dalam Satu Aplikasi Snaptu)

10:22:00 PM Add Comment

Download Aplikasi Snaptu Gratis (Facebook, Twitter dan Aplikasi Hebat Lainnya Dalam Satu Aplikasi Snaptu)

Aplikasi ini pernah ane bahas sebelumnya, tapi kali ini kita akan bahas lebih lanjut mengenai aplikasi SNAPTU, aplikasi yang satu ini memang sangat unik dan menarik untuk di pasang di HP sebagai aplikasi tambahan. bagaimana tidak, aplikasi ini mampu mengcover banyak aplikasi menarik menjadi satu yaitu Snaptu. tampilan serta icon - icon  menu yang sangat menarik layaknya icon - icon menu di ponsel iPhone milik Apple, apa sajakah yang telah disatukan oleh Snaptu ke dalam aplikasinya? berikut penjelasannya :

1. Facebook
2. Twitter
3. Berita Dunia (CNN)
4. Album Picassa
5. Cuaca Dunia (WeatherChannel)
6. Berita Olah Raga Dunia (ESPN)
7. Top 20 Film Dunia
6. SnapStore
7. Dan banyak lagi aplikasi menarik lainnya.

Apakah handphone agan semua sudah terpasang aplikasi ini...? buat agan yang suka online dan baca berita online dan suka mencari informasi menarik lainnya melalui internet  (InternetHolic) gak ada salahnya pasang aplikasi ini. Kelemahannya : setelah saya coba snaptu memerlukan data yang lumayan besar, sehingga buat agan yang pake internet sistem quota, pulsa/quota internetnya akan cepat habis oleh aplikasi ini. tapi buat agan yang beli paket unlimited internet gak ada salahnya pasang aplikasi ini. Penasaran Silahkan langsung download dari browser ponsel agan semua dengan alamat atau dari komputer. 

Karena aplikasi Snaptu sudah dibeli oleh facebook, maka ketika agan mencoba mendownload langsung dari HP dengan mengetikkan maka agan akan mendapatkan link download untuk aplikasi facebook, 
Berikut kutipan tampilan dari :
We are excited to bring you our new Facebook App, which you can download by clicking here: Download Facebook for Every Phone
We no longer distribute the Snaptu App

Selamat mencoba...

Download Opera Mini Terbaru 2012 ( Opera Mini 7.0 Beta )

5:15:00 AM Add Comment
Download Opera Mini Terbaru 2012

Assalamualaikum, Bagi sobat pemilik HP, terutama ponsel yang sudah mendukung internet mulai dari GPRS  sampai dengan 3,5G pasti sudah kenal dengan Opera Mini, Bahkan di blog sudah ada beberapa posting yang membahas tentang Opera Mini.

Opera Mini sudah terkenal dengan kecanggihannya dalam mengkompres data, sehingga bisa ditampilkan ringan di dalam ponsel yang pastinya memiliki keterbatasan layar, namun dengan teknologi server Opera mampu memperkecil data hingga sepersepuluh dan pemakaian data dalam browsing serta surfing internet bisa lancar dan lebih nyaman.

Opera Mini 7.0 Beta Terbaru 2012 merupakan lanjutan dari Operamini 6.5 dan tentunya akan membuat perubahan disana sini untuk kesempurnaan browsing internet via HP. Opera Mini hampir dimiliki oleh semua perangkat ponsel, bagimana tidak? hampir semua sistem operasi HP sudah mendukung Opera Mini, sebut saja Java J2ME, Symbian, Blackberry, Android, Windows Mobile, dll

Bagi sobat yang ingin update Opera Mini ke versi terbaru 7.0 Beta, mudah saja silahkan langsung ketik alamat berikut ini dari browser HP setelah masuk opera mini akan otomatis mendeteksi jenis dan merek HP sobat, setelah itu tinggal intall. Mudah bukan? selamat mencoba... 
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Download Aplikasi FACEBOOK Update Terbaru 2012 ( FACEBOOK UNTUK SELULER )

5:12:00 AM Add Comment
Download Aplikasi FACEBOOK Terbaru 2012 - Pada kesempatan ini ane ingin berbagi untuk semua APLIKASI HP Lover dimanapun berada. Pasti sudah pada punya HP bukan? apakah Handphone agan juga sudah mendukung Java, Bisa Internet sekelas GPRS? itu sudah cukup untuk persyaratan agar bisa download aplikasi facebook versi HP, lagian sekarang sudah banyak HP murah tapi sudah mendukung Java, apakah itu ponsel cina ( yang terbilang sangat murah dengan fitur segudang, cuma Rp.300rb an dapat ponsel cina dengan dukungan aplikasi java ), ponsel nokia, samsung, sony dll.

Setelah HP tersedia, sekarang bagaimana cara download langsung dari HP? cari menu layanan internet di HP agan kemudian masukkan alamat setelah itu agan akan langsung download gratis facebook versi mobile.

Sebenarnya aplikasi facebook ini sudah ane bahas sebelumnya, namun karena ada versi terbaru maka tidak ada salahnya agan hapus aplikasi FB yang lama, dan silahkan download gratis FB untuk HP versi baru. Untuk Update perubahan nya ane lihat di tampilan start up/ tampilan pertama nya pakai kotak - kotak sebanyak lima buah, sedangkan versi sebelumnya, sebelum masuk ada tertulis " Loading..." dan juga setelah masuk akan ada tambahan satu tombol untuk mengambil foto langsung dari HP setelah itu bisa dijadikan sebagai update status terbaru. keren bukan...? selamat mencoba... 

Free Download Notepad + + 6.1.4

4:25:00 AM Add Comment
Notepad + + is a free source code editor and Notepad replacement That supports Several languages​​. Running in the MS Windows environment, its use is governed by GPL Licence.


Based on a powerful editing component Scintilla, Notepad + + is written in C + + and uses pure Win32 API and STL the which ensures a higher execution speed and smaller program size. By optimizing as many routines as possible without losing user friendliness, Notepad + + is the world Trying to Reduced carbon dioxide emissions. When using less CPU power, the PC can throttle down and Reduced power consumption, resulting in a Greener environment.

     Syntax Highlighting and Syntax Folding
     User Defined Syntax Highlighting
     Regular Expression Search / Replace supported
     Full Drag 'N' Drop supported
     Dynamic position of Views
     File Status Auto-detection
     Zoom in and zoom out
     Multi-Language environment supported
     Brace and Indent guideline Highlighting
     Macro recording and playback
Title: Notepad + + 6.1.4
Filename: npp.6.1.4.Installer.exe
File size: 5.54MB (5,808,917 bytes)
Requirements: Windows 2000 / XP / 2003 / Vista / Windows7 / XP64 / Vista64 / Windows7 64
Languages​​: Multiple languages
License: Open Source
Date added: June 25, 2012
Author: Notepad + +
MD5 Checksum: C7912826FCE0E765D1ACEEB44A224B5B
link download from: Filehipo

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Microsoft Visual Studio Full Collection

12:28:00 AM Add Comment
Microsoft Visual Studio is the comprehensive suite of application lifecycle management tools for teams to ensure quality results, from design to deployment. Whether you're creating new solutions or enhancing existing applications, Visual Studio lets you bring your vision to life targeting an increasing number of platforms and technologies%u2014including cloud and parallel computing.

Whats Included
- Integrated Development Environment
- Development Platform Support
- Team Foundation Server
- MSDN Subscription
- Testing Tools
- Database Development
- Debugging and Diagnostics
- Application Lifecycle Management
- Architecture and Modeling
- Lab Management

Software Requirements
Visual Studio 2010 can be installed on the following operating systems
- Windows XP (x86) with Service Pack 3 - all editions except Starter Edition
- Windows Vista (x86 & x64) with Service Pack 2 - all editions except Starter

Hardware Requirements
- Computer that has a 1.6GHz or faster processor 1 GB (32 Bit) or 2 GB (64 Bit) RAM (Add 512 MB if running in a virtual machine)
- 3GB of available hard disk space 5400 RPM hard disk drive
- DirectX 9 capable video card running at 1024 x 768 or higher-resolution display DVD-ROM Drive

Visual Studio 6.0 Pro Part01 Part02
Visual Studio 2003.NET Part01 Part02
Visual Studio 2005 Pro Part01 Part02
Visual Studio 2008 Pro Part01 Part02
Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate Part01 Part02
Microsoft Visual Studio Ultimate 2010 (32 Bit/64 Bit) Single Link
SQL Server 2005 Part01 Part02
SQL Sever 2008 enterprise Part01 Part02
MS Studio 2003 Part01 Part02 Part03
MS Studio 2005 Part01 Part02 Part03
MS Studio 2008 Part01

Microsoft Visual C# 2008 Express Portable

12:24:00 AM Add Comment
Visual C# 2008 Express is the ideal tool for productively building object-oriented applications for Windows on the .NET Framework.

* Design Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) applications with built-in designer support WPF Designer has snap lines for control margins and Event Tabs for RAD-style design experience
* Create data-enabled applications with the lightweight SQL Server Compact Edition or powerful client/serve applications with SQL Server 2008 Express
* Build applications using LINQ (Language Integrated Query) which adds data querying capabilities for SQL Server, XML, and objects to Visual C#
* Support for the Entity Framework and designer tool
* Develop quickly with IntelliSense support for the latest Visual C# enhancements

Thinstall, 1 file only! You need to install .NET framework 3.5 to run this properly. Portable VS2008 will store his settings in Thinstall folder, and default project folder is in Thinstall folder so it is recomended to change default location for your projects to some folder on local drive but that is not necessary if you like that default project location.

Download Microsoft Visual C# 2008 Express Portable | 102 MB
via EasyShare Part 1 | Part 2 or LetitBit Part 1 | Part 2

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Under Creative Commons License: Attribution Non-Commercial

free download pes12-patch

4:43:00 AM Add Comment

  Download PESEdit 3.4 PES 2012 + Euro 2012 Patch . Pada postingan kali ini admin webawang akan menginformsikan kepada anda tentang patch PES 2012 terbaru , yaitu PESEdit 3.4 . Selain menginformasikan tentang PESEdit 3.4 disini juga akan ditambah info tentang Patch PES 2012 Untuk Euro 2012 . Simak terus artikel ini

BitDefender Total Security 2012 x86 x64

4:32:00 AM Add Comment
BitDefender Total Security 2012 provides Internet-connected families with the latest protection against Web-based attacks, faster performance for secure online gaming, and unrivaled parental controls. Stop viruses and spyware cold, Proactive protection stops new viruses and malware that other products miss.

Choose you view
Match the interface to your level of comfort by selecting between Basic, Intermediate, or Expert settings and quickly create shortcuts to frequently used controls.

SafeGuard Your Privacy
Eliminate the chances your data and conversations are leaked to others over email, Facebook, IM, or websites that track your online activities.

Manage Your Home Network
Control the security of your entire network from a single location.

Firewall Protection
Establish a two-way firewall with just a few clicks, to continuously monitor your Internet connections and prevent unauthorized access even over a Wi-Fi network.

Keep Your Family Safe
With parental controls you’ll receive reports, by browser, email, or cell phone, on recent online activity for each child’s computer in your home network.

Eliminate Spam
Send unwanted or malicious email and attachments straight to the trash, so they never reach your Inbox.

Play and Work Seamlessly
Automatically activate Game, Laptop, or Silent Mode to minimize interruptions, prolong battery life, or reduce system load to ensure seamless and secure gameplay.

Video Library
A new collection of step-by-step videos helps you navigate through common security challenges

Install Instructions - Tested and Working on Win 7
1]Uninstall if you have any installed any other version of BitDefender
2]Restart your computer – this is must
3]Disable/unplug your internet connecction and start installation.
4]Run installer with administrator permissions
5]Choose Evolution verison and continue installation.
6]Restart after installation completed (if asked to restart)
7]Enable back internet connection and update antivirus
8]After completing update restart your pc to safemode (F8)
9]In safemode- Extract “BD2012_LTPATCH.rar"
10]Now Run “Patch.exe” as administrator and follow on screen instuctions.
11]once patch is done, restart to normal mode and update your BitDefender.
12]Every thing is done now ! your copy of BD is patched till 12500+ Days

Patch is clean Scanned By kaspersky Internet Security 2012

Free Download BitDefender Total Security 2012 x86 x64 include Patch
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Under Creative Commons License: Attribution Non-Commercial

Cool Edit Pro v2.0 Portable

2:38:00 AM Add Comment
Easily create music, produce radio spots, and restore imperfect recordings. Bring audio and video together using smart integration with Adobe video applications.

Cool Edit Pro v2.0 is a digital audio recorder, editor and mixer. It allows you to record, play, convert and edit files in more than 25 formats, that are up to 2 gigabytes in size. Support is provided for multiple sound cards, recording devices, and playing devices.

The program's extensive list of features includes:

- Create multitrack mixes with unlimited stereo tracks
- Multichannel encoder to produce high-quality 5.1 surround sound
- Record up to 80 live inputs simultaneously in a multitrack session.
- Supported audio CD burning.
- More than 5,000 included music loops.
- Remove audio flaws with easy-to-use effects.
- Can import from and export to a wide range of formats, including MP3, WAV, WMA Professional, AIFF, SND, Ogg Vorbis, AVI, WMV, and DV.
- Comes with more than 50 high quality digital signal processing tools and effects suitable for everything from audio restoration to mixing and mastering.
- Accepts third-party DX and VST plugins.

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Under Creative Commons License: Attribution Non-Commercial

WYSIWYG Web Builder v8.0.3

3:47:00 AM Add Comment
Web Builder is a WYSIWYG (What-You-See-Is-What-You-Get) program used to create web pages. WYSIWYG means that the finished page will display exactly the way it was designed. The program generates HTML (HyperText Markup Language) tags while you point and click on desired functions; you can create a web page without learning HTML. Just drag and drop objects to the page position them anywhere you want and when youre finished publish it to your web server (using the built in Publish tool). Web Builder gives you full control over the content and layout of your web page.

WYSIWYG Web Builder features:
• No HTML knowledge needed!
• Drag and drop objects from the toolbox on the page anywhere you like!
• Site Management. Easily add, edit, clone and structure your web pages from a single file.
• Customizable menus, toolbars, keyboard accelerators, dockable windows, tabs, autohide windows.
• Form layout object to create forms, including actions, hidden fields etc.
• Supports Form fields: Editbox, TextArea, Checkbox, Radiobutton, Combobox and Button.
• Form Wizard to create form in 4 steps. Select from a dozen ready-to-use forms.
• Rich text support: text object can contain different fonts, colors, links and sizes.
• Custom HTML object to insert your own HTML or javascripts.
• ActiveX, JAVA, Flash, Windows Media player, Quicktime, Real Audio and other Plug-In support.
• Publish your entire web site, a single page or a group of pages (to local drive or a web server) .
• Built-in Photo Gallery maker, with lots of cool features like picture frames!
• Built-in Banner maker.
• Rollover images.
• Bulleted Lists: Circle, Disc, Square, Numeric (1, 2, 3), Alpha (a, b, c) , Roman (I, II, III) and custom images.
• Image maps.
• Customize scrollbar colors for Microsoft Internet Explorer.
• Navigation bars.
• Tab Menus.
• Slide Menus.
• Ready-to-use javascripts.
• Template support. Already more than 100 templates available!
• Insert Symbols (special characters).
• Slide Show component .
• Support for third-party add-ons, using the Web Builder Component Developers Kit.
• Import existing HTML pages.
• Hyperlink Style Sheet, to customize the colors/formatting of hyperlinks.
• Built-in Popup support.
• Show optional rulers and ruler guides.
• Page transitions in Page Properties.
• Inline Frame component (IFRAME).
• Go menu: easily create a drop-down navigation menus.
• Menubar: powerful menu script that can mimic complex menus found in popular GUI applications.
• Shape object (Rectangle, Round rect, Ellipse, Diamond, Hexagon, Octagon, Parallelogram, Triangle, Trapezoid, Arrows, Flag, Flower, Heart, Signs, Stars, Talk Bubbles and much more!).
• Embedded OLE component.
• Master page object. This allows you to re-use objects from other pages (master page concept).
• Layer Object for advanced layout possibilities.
• Find/Replace for text objects.
• Validation tools for form components: EditBox, Combobox and TextArea.
• Rotation for shapes and images.
• Properties Inspector for quick object manipulation.
• Ability to group/ungroup objects.
• Image tools: Contrast, Brightness, Hue/Saturation, Flip, Rotate, Resample, Crop and Stencils.
• Image effects: GrayScale, Negative, Sepia, Blur, Soften, Sharpen, Noise, Emboss and more!
• Drawing tools: Line, Line + Arrows, Scribble, Polygon, Curve and Closed Curve.
• Photo gallery border styles/ photo frames.
• Images, shapes and form controls have a new Events Page, to easily add actions to object events!
• The PayPal eCommerce Tools are the quickest and easiest way to add eCommerce to your web site!
• RSS Feed object with podcast option.
• Blog with built-in RSS feed option.
• Google compatible sitemap generator
• and much much more!

Free Download WYSIWYG Web Builder v8.0.3 | 17.5 MB
From ShareVnn or Mediafire

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Under Creative Commons License: Attribution Non-Commercial

Sony Vegas Pro 11 Build 521 x86 x64

2:19:00 AM Add Comment
Vegas™ Pro 11 provides an efficient, intuitive and integrated content creation environment for video and broadcast professionals. Now featuring GPU-accelerated performance with OpenCL™-supported devices, Vegas Pro 11 powers through video processing and rendering tasks with ease.

With innovative stereoscopic 3D tools, broad format support, unparalleled audio control, and GPU-ignited effects processing and rendering, the Vegas Pro 11 collection streamlines your workflow like never before.

Changes in Version 11.0:
* GPU-accelerated video processing (please see System Requirements for information about supported hardware).
* New Titles & Text plug-in.
* Improved usability for the ProType Titler.
* Added a new Star Wipe transition.
* Added a new Radial Pixelate video plug-in.
* Added per-parameter keyframes for many video plug-ins.
* The Transitions, Video FX, Media Generators, and (new) Compositors windows all include folders to group plug-ins and a search box to help you find plug-ins easily.
* The Rtabilize plug-in has been simplified and improved.
* The Stereoscopic 3D Adjust plug-in now includes Floating Windows controls to allow you to mask the edge of the video frame to compensate for screen-edge violations.
* Added a Stereoscopic 3D depth control to the Cookie Cutter effect, as well as Cross Effect and Iris transitions.
* Support for NVIDIA 3D Vision on single-display systems using the Windows Graphics Card device (available in Preferences > Preview Device).
* Event Pan/Crop is now integrated into the Video Event FX dialog.

* Improved usability for the Mixing Console.
* A simplified Master Bus window provides you with a streamlined view of your project's master output.

* Sync links provide an additional method of keeping events synchronized: a linked event retains synchronization when the event it is linked to is moved but can be moved independently.
* An updated Render As dialog streamlines the rendering process and makes it easy to manage your favorite render templates.
* Integrated Upload to YouTube.

* MainConcept AVC/AAC improvements:
   - Added MP4 templates for Internet distribution.
   - Added an Enable progressive download check box to the Video tab of the Custom Settings dialog to allow your videos to begin playing during download.
   - Added support for GPU-accelerated rendering.
* Added support for RED EPIC® clips.
Free Download Sony Vegas PRO 11.0 Build 521 x86/x64 | 217.6 Mb
From Filesonic Part01 Part02
From Uploaded Part01 Part02
From Filejungle Part01 Part02
or Multilink from UploadStation Part01 Part02 Part03 Part04 Part05

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Under Creative Commons License: Attribution Non-Commercial

Pinnacle Studio 15 HD Ultimate

2:18:00 AM Add Comment

Brought to you by Avid®, the world leader in professional audio and video creation technology, Pinnacle Studio™ HD Ultimate Collection v.15 makes it easy to edit like a pro with intuitive new features, ultra-fast performance, and a massive content collection. Quickly import videos and photos—then edit scenes and make HD movies with over 2,200 effects and other content. Place people over virtual backgrounds using the built-in chroma-key effect and 5’ x 6’ green screen.

Add interest with sophisticated animated titles, and produce your soundtrack with immersive Dolby Digital 5.1 surround. Then export your projects to popular formats—or burn to DVD or Blu-ray—and share them with the world. The unique new Archive and Restore tool conveniently preserves your work.

Top Reasons to Upgrade to Pinnacle Studio HD v.15
- Archive/Restore feature makes it easy to back up all project data to a single location for instant restoration in the event of a computer crash.
- Support for DivX Plus HD (.MKV) lets you export projects in today's most popular media exchange format.
- Export projects directly to YouTube HD and QuickTime HD formats.
- Easily import and export files in the format used by popular AVCHD camcorders.
- Intel Media SDK integration yields faster performance with recent generations of Intel processorsGGe?GC?especially when scrubbing and playing back h.264-based formats like AVCHD.
- New added content makes it easy to create professional-looking movies right out of the box:
- Hollywood FX Volumes provide over 1000 additional premium transitions and effects, making it easy to create great movies right out of the box.
- Premium Pack Volume 2 offers 54 DVD menu templates, 81 titles, and 79 sound effects with various themes.*
- Creative Pack Volume 1 provides over 32 DVD menus, 91 montage templates, and 28 titles with various themes.**
- Professional effects from award-winning visual effects company Red Giant*

* Only available in Pinnacle Studio Ultimate and Studio Ultimate Collection.
** Only available in Pinnacle Studio Ultimate Collection.

* Quickly import photos and video
* Easily drag and drop videos, photos, titles, effects, and music
* Automatically create music to fit the length of your movie
* Choose from over 2,000 2D/3D effects, transitions, and other content—including professional Red Giant plug-in package
* Place people over virtual backgrounds using the built-in chroma-key effect and 5’ x 6’ green screen
* Preview in real time using the player window or full-screen mode
* Create an immersive experience with Dolby Digital® 5.1 sound
* Export to popular formats or burn to DVD or Blu-ray discs

Included Content Collection
Professional Red Giant Plug-in Package
* With the Red Giant plug-in package, you can enhance your productions with the same visual effects used in blockbuster Hollywood movies: Knoll Light Factory: Light and lens flares from master effects guru John Knoll (visual effects supervisor; Star Wars, Pirates of the Caribbean, Avatar)
* ToonIt: Turn video into animation
* Trapcode Shine: Light ray effects
* Particular: 3D smoke, explosion, and rain effects
* Magic Bullet Looks: Change the look and mood of your movie
* Trapcode 3D Stroke: Animation and 3D effects

Hollywood FX Volumes 1–3
Over 1,000 unique, professional-level transitions and effects with themes including: Waves, Sports, Space, Sci-Fi, Holiday, Weddings, Comics and Cartoons, Pirates, Secret Agents, Tropical Vacation, Historical Architecture, and many more. Also includes HFX Editor for creating custom effects.

Creative Pack Vol. 1
32 DVD menus, 91 montage templates, and 28 titles, including: Cool Trees and Leafy Greens, Floral and Botanical, Hawaii, 50’s Modern, Islands, Red Retro, and many more.

Pinnacle Premium Pack Vol. 2
54 DVD menu templates, 81 titles, and 79 sound effects with themes including Baby, Kids, Winter, Travel, and more.

* Import video and photos from video cameras, digital cameras, phones, DVDs, and more

* Edit HD video on your computer-with ultra-fast performance when using AVCHD and H.264-based formats*
* Organize your media using the project bin and favorite folders
* Included Montage templates give you a head start with easy-to-use, multi-layer animations, transitions, and titles
* Back up your work with the new Archive/Restore tool*

* Use the Motion Titler to create sophisticated animated titles-just drag and drop
* Add professional effects from award-winning visual effects company Red Giant
* Add incredible Dolby Digital 5.1 surround sound to your productions
* Included 5' x 6' chroma-key green screen sheet lets you change backgrounds and locations for your subjects
* Use stop-motion capture for amazing animations and fast-motion effects
* Fix shaky camera shots with the same Avid technology used on major motion pictures
* Use the included DVD menus for a professional look

* Easy one-click uploading to YouTube-including high-quality widescreen and HD* formats
* Share straight to Blu-ray and DVD
* Export movies to Flash, DivX Plus MKV*, QuickTime® HD*, AVCHD, AVCHD Lite*, PS3, Wii, Xbox®, and more

Minimum System Requirements*
* Windows® 7, Windows Vista® (SP2), or Windows XP (SP3)
* Intel® Pentium® or AMD Athlon™ 1.8 GHz (2.4 GHz or higher recommended)
  -Intel Core™ 2 Duo 2.4 GHz required for AVCHD
  -Intel Core™ 2 Quad 2.66 GHz or Intel Core i7 required for AVCHD 1920
* 1 GB system memory recommended, 2 GB required for AVCHD
* DirectX® 9 or 10 compatible graphics card with 64 MB (128 MB or higher recommended)
  -Red Giant Magic Bullet Looks plug-in: ATI or NVIDIA graphics card with 128 MB of RAM (or more) recommended
  -256 MB required for HD and AVCHD
* DirectX 9 (or higher) compatible sound card
* 5.7 GB of disk space
* DVD-ROM drive to install software
* Requires free product activation via the Internet.

Input Options
* Capture from DV, HDV, and Digital8 camcorders or VCRs-requires a FireWire® port)
* Capture from analog camcorders, 8 mm, HI 8, VHS, SVHS, VHS-C, SVHS-C, or VCRs (NTSC/PAL/SECAM)-requires Pinnacle or Dazzle video hardware)
* Import from AVCHD* and other file-based camcorders, digital still cameras, mobile devices, and webcams via USB

Output Options
* Output to DV, HDV, or Digital8 tape (requires camcorder with FireWire input port and a PC with a DV/FireWire port)
* Output to analog videotape (requires DirectShow-compatible device with video output)

Import Formats
* Video: AVCHD*, AVCHD Lite*, BD Blu-ray*, DV, HDV, AVI, MPEG-1, MPEG-2, DivX®*, MPEG-4*, 3GP (MPEG-4)*, WMV, non-encrypted DVD titles (incl. DVD-VR/+VR), QuickTime® MOV (DV, MPEG-4*, H.264*), DivX Plus® MKV*
* Audio: MP3, MPA, WAV, AC3*, WMA

Export Formats
* AVCHD*, AVCHD Lite*, BD Blu-ray*, HD-DVD, DVD (DVD-R, DVD-RW, DVD+R, or DVD+RW, dual layer), S-VCD, Video CD (VCD)
* Apple® iPod®, Sony® PSP/PS3, Nintendo® Wii, Microsoft® Xbox compatible formats*
* YouTube HD
* DV, HDV, AVI, DivX*, RealVideo®8, WMV, MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-4*, Flash, 3GP*, WAV, MP3*, QuickTime® MOV, DivX Plus MKV*
* Dolby®Digital 2-channel and 5.1-channel audio*

Optional Accessories
* CD burner for creating Video CDs or Super Video CDs (S-VCDs)
* DVD burner for creating DVD and AVCHD* discs
* Blu-ray burner for creating Blu-ray discs*
* Sound card with surround sound output required for preview of surround sound mixes*

Installation for anyone thats lazy to figure it out.
1. Open the file then go into the ‘activation‘ folder and Run it.
2. After its done,click and Run the ‘Trial‘ version.
3. Everything from there on is smooooth sailing.

More info and homepage:

Free Download Pinnacle Studio 15 HD Ultimate Collection Version | 2.26 GB
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CoffeeCup HTML Editor 2008 Portable

6:30:00 AM Add Comment
The CoffeeCup HTML Editor is 2 Editors in 1. If you know HTML or want to learn more use the powerful and easy Code Editor that has set the standard since 1996. To make pages fast, or without knowing HTML use the drag and drop WYSIWYG Visual Editor. You can also go back and forth between the Code and Visual Editors to create remarkable Websites in a snap. CoffeeCup comes with more than 100 DHTML & JavaScripts, a DHTML Menu wizard, 25,000 Graphics and Photos including over 1,000 XP Style Icons. It also has Built-in FTP Uploading and easy to use Table, Frame, Font, and Form Designers.

Preview your work in any browser or use the exclusive Split Screen preview. Other features include a Project Manager, Flash Text Wizard, Color Scrollbar Wizard, StyleSheet Editor, List Wizard, Image Mapper, Website Color Schemer and Free Upgrades and Support for life.

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Under Creative Commons License: Attribution Non-Commercial

CodeGear Delphi for PHP v2.1.0.1083

6:26:00 AM Add Comment
Only Delphi for PHP provides both code and design views of PHP applications in the IDE. The design view of the application and enables the developer to build user interfaces, database connections and more by dragging and dropping components from the Tool Palette onto a form.

Properties and events can be set via the Object Inspector and changes to properties such as font, color and size are immediately reflected in the design view.

Delphi for PHP 2.0 The RAD visual PHP development environment. The only development solution for drag-and-drop visual design for PHP.

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Under Creative Commons License: Attribution Non-Commercial

Macromedia Dreamweaver v8.0.2 Portable

6:24:00 AM Add Comment
Web development tool, enabling users to efficiently design, develop and maintain standards-based websites and apps. Dreamweaver 8 is the industry-leading web development tool, enabling users to efficiently design, develop and maintain standards-based websites and applications.

Work with the industry's leading web development tool.

Use a world-class design and code editor in one tool.
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Dreamweaver supports and guides users as their skills grow and web technologies evolve, facilitating easy and quick adoption of new technologies and methodologies.
Add video easily.

With Dreamweaver 8 and Flash Video, it's a snap to place video content on the web. Drag and drop Flash Video into Dreamweaver 8 to quickly incorporate video to websites and applications.
Simplify CSS.

The unified CSS panel provides a powerful and easy way to understand the cascade of styles applied to content as well as quick access to making changes without having to navigate a lot of code through trial and error.
Get started with XML.

Simply point a web page to an XML file or a URL of an XML feed and Dreamweaver will introspect it to enable dragging and dropping the appropriate fields onto the page.
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Over three million strong, the Dreamweaver community offers many benefits, including the Macromedia Developer Center, developer certification programs, training and seminars, user forums, and independent community support sites. More than 800 free downloadable extensions are available through the Macromedia Dreamweaver Exchange.

Download Macromedia Dreamweaver v8.0.2 Portable | 56 MB

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Under Creative Commons License: Attribution Non-Commercial

Nero Micro v11.0.23.100 Portable

6:13:00 AM Add Comment
Nero is one of the largest and most renowned programs for burning and copying CDs and DVDs, Blue-Ray and HD-DVDs, known for writing quickly, safely and reliably, and is very easy to move. Lets you save your files, photos and music in seconds with the option to continue recording as many times as you like until the media capacity is exhausted. Nero is compatible with: Audio: AAC, AIFF, AIF, CDA, AC3, MP3, MP4, OGG, OGM, WAV, WMA, FLAC Video: ASF, AVI, DV, MPEG, DAT, MP4, MOV, VOB Media: CD-R, CD-RW, DVD ± R, DVD ± RW, DVD-RAM, DVD ± R DL, BD-R, BD-RE, BD-R DL, BD-RE DL Disk Images: NRG, CUE, ISO, AVCHD, BDMV, UDF


Download Nero Micro v11.0.23.100 Portable | 87 MB

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Under Creative Commons License: Attribution Non-Commercial

CCleaner 3.14 x86 x64 + Portable

5:19:00 AM Add Comment

CCleaner (Crap Cleaner) is a freeware system optimization and privacy tool. It removes unused files from your system allowing Windows  to run faster and freeing up valuable hard disk  space. It also cleans traces of your online activities such as your Internet history. But the best part is that it's fast (normally taking less than a second to run) and contains NO Spyware or Adware!

Changes in 3.14.1616:
Improved Startup tool usability.
Improved IE Add-on management.
Improved Import/Export for Cookies.
Improved Recycle Bin cleaning and duplicated filenames.
Updated Chrome Canary Saved Form Information cleaning.
Updated Chrome Canary Saved Passwords cleaning.
Updated Chrome Canary Cookie cleaning.
Fixed bug in long filename extensions.
Added cleaning for Chrome Canary "Network Action Predictor".
Added cleaning for Real Player 15, PerfectDisk 12.5 and Windows Media Center.
Improved cleaning for WinRAR, Windows Log Files, uTorrent and Acrobat Distiller 10.
Minor bug fixes.
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